Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor Installation Instructions User Manual

Page 25

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3.3 Fitting the accessories

838 Advanced Sample Processor, Installation


ing solution at a special beaker position on the sample rack.

• Use the IC NET software to control the 838 Advanced Sample

Processor directly. Choose the corresponding system and open the

Manual control dialog box. You can run the individual functions of

the Sampler Processor under Autosampler. Please refer to the IC

NET software Online Help documentation for details of operation.

• Move the beaker with the rinsing solution beneath the needle with


• You can lower the needle into the rinsing position with the LIFT


• Switch on the peristaltic pump with PUMP, and then all connected

lines are rinsed and any air is removed.

• After allowing an adequate time (e.g. 5 minutes), switch the pump

back off again with PUMP and move the needle back to home posi-
