7 index – Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor Installation Instructions User Manual

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7 Index

Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Index


7 Index

.............................. 60

731 Relay Box ................. 56, 57
761 Compact IC........ 21, 40, 53
772 Pump Unit ...................... 35
797 VA Computrace........ 56, 57
820 IC Separation Centre21, 33
823 Membrane Pump Unit.... 35
833 Dialysis Unit ............. 31, 33

A ________________________
Acceptor solution...... 29, 31, 33
Accessories .. 76, 78, 81, 85, 88
Acetone........................... 23, 62
Adapter cable (6.2160.010) ....

................................... 56, 57

Air bubbles...................... 33, 65
Allen key.......................... 17, 65
Ambient temperature ............ 72
Aspirate................................. 44
Aspirator tubing .................... 23
Aspiratory capillary ............... 23
Available versions ................... 2

B ________________________
Bacterial growth.................... 65
Beaker............................. 59, 92
Binary code........................... 60
Biohazard.............................. 10
Blind stoppers....................... 45
Blockage of the membrane .. 68
Blockages ............................. 65

C ________________________
Cable (6.2141.020) ............... 56
Cable (6.2141.170) ............... 57
Cable (6.2141.190) ..........41, 42,

................................... 46, 48

Capillary connections ........... 44
Capillary cutter...................... 30
Care ...................................... 61
Catch pan ............................. 36
Cleaning the dialysis cell ...... 20
Commissioning the peristaltic

pumps .............................. 33

Conditioning the dialysis

membrane........................ 33

Conditioning the dialysis system

......................................... 33

Configuring the robotic arm.. 14
Connecting cable............ 38, 94
Connecting dosers ............... 35

Connecting stirrers ............... 35
Connecting the dialysis cell ....

................................... 29, 31

Connecting the injection valve32
Connecting the keypad ........ 14
Connecting the Swing Head. 14
Connecting the ultrafiltration cell

......................................... 27

Connecting the waste container

................................... 31, 32

Connection of a dialysis cell ...

................................... 29, 30

Connection panel.................... 7
Connection to IC systems .... 38
Connections for acceptor

solution............................. 31

Contact pressure 23, 24, 33, 62
Coupling ................... 23, 24, 31

D ________________________
Danger .................................... 4
Declaration of Conformity..... 98
Delivery ................................. 25
Delivery capillary ................... 23
Delivery rate .................... 24, 70
Depth .................................... 73
Dialysis.................................. 48
Dialysis accessories ............. 93
Dialysis cell ..................... 20, 29

connection to the IC system

..................................... 65

detaching ......................... 65

Dialysis flow pathway............ 29
Dialysis membrane ......... 20, 21

conditioning...................... 65

replacement ..................... 65

Dialysis membrane ............... 21
Dialysis program................... 50
Dimensions........................... 73
Disposable beaker.......... 59, 92
Dosimat................................. 35
Dosing drives........................ 35
Dosino............................. 35, 44
Dosino holder ....................... 22

E ________________________
Electrical safety....................... 9
Electromagnetic compatibility72
Electrostatic charges .............. 9
EMC ...................................... 72
Emitted interference.............. 72
Equipping the work head...... 45
Exchanging a pump tubing .. 62

External instruments ............. 38
External pump....................... 35

F ________________________
FILL ............................. 7, 33, 53
Filter unit (PEEK)................... 23
Filter useful life ...................... 68

pore size........................... 67

sample type...................... 67

Filtration accessories............ 94
Filtration cell.......................... 27
Filtration cell – pump tubing

connection........................ 28

Filtration cell - waste connection

......................................... 27

Filtration membrane.. 17, 18, 68

(6.2714.020) ..................... 67

Fitting pump tubing .............. 23
Fitting the aspiratory capillary.

................................... 30, 31

Fitting the dialysis cell........... 20
Fitting the Dosino.................. 22
Fitting the Dosino holder ...... 16
Fitting the filtration cell holder16
Fitting the ultrafiltration cell ... 17
Frequency............................. 71
Fuse ...................................... 71

G ________________________
GLP ....................................... 66
Good Laboratory Practice .... 66
Grounding............................... 9
Guide chain....................... 5, 34

H ________________________
Height ................................... 73
Holder ..................................... 5

I ________________________
IC Interface 762..................... 40
IC Net... 18, 33, 41, 40, 42, 46,

........... 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 64

Inadequate yield ................... 65
INJECT.................................... 7
Injection loop ........................ 44
Injection valve ..... 2, 5, 7, 29, 52
Inlet for acceptor solution ..... 20
Inlet for sample solution.. 17, 20
Inlet opening ......................... 30
Input................................ 39, 71
Input lines.............................. 38