Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor Installation Instructions User Manual
Page 108

7 Index
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Index
Inserting a dialysis membrane20
Inserting capillaries............... 34
Inserting the filtration membrane
......................................... 18
Installation....................... 11, 13
Instrument models.................. 2
Instrument number ................. 7
Interconnection..................... 38
797 VA Computrace......... 56
analysis system for
electroplating baths
(MVA-13)...................... 57
anionic system with chemical
(MIC-2)............. 41, 42, 46
anionic system with chemical
suppression and dialysis
(MIC-7)......................... 48
modular anionic/cationic
system with chemical
(MIC-3)......................... 47
modular system with 817
Bioscan for sugar analysis
(MIC-8)......................... 52
Interface connections ........... 38
Interfaces .............................. 71
Interference immunity ........... 72
ISO 9001............................... 98
K _______________________
Keypad ........................... 14, 56
Keypad connection................. 7
L _______________________
Leakage .......................... 33, 65
Lower section ................. 17, 20
M _______________________
Magnet sensor........................ 8
Magnetic code.......... 36, 59, 60
Magnetic stirrer..................... 71
Mains connection ....... 7, 10, 71
Mains voltages...................... 13
Maintenance ......................... 61
Manual control................ 18, 64
Materials ............................... 73
Maximum load ...................... 71
Membrane pump.................. 35
Metrohm IC systems (MIC)... 40
Metrohm Serial Bus ................ 7
MIC – Metrohm IC systems .. 40
Mini-DIN connector............... 14
Mixing container ............. 44, 45
2.838.0010 ........... 41, 47, 48
2.838.0020 ....................... 52
2.838.0120 ....................... 42
2.838.0210 ....................... 46
Models .................................... 2
MSB connections ............. 7, 71
MSB sockets......................... 35
N ________________________
Needle holder ................. 15, 16
Needles................................. 96
O ________________________
Operating range ................... 72
Organic solvents................... 35
Outlet for acceptor solution .. 20
Outlet for filtrate .................... 17
Outlet for sample solution17, 20
Outlet opening ................ 30, 31
Output............................. 39, 71
Output lines .......................... 38
Overall view............................. 5
Overview ................................. 1
P ________________________
PEEK capillary .......... 29, 32, 58
PEEK coupling.......... 23, 27, 30
PEEK filter unit ...................... 24
PEEK needle/tubing ............. 15
PEEK pressure screw .. 15, 16,
................................... 27, 30
PEEK sample loop................ 29
PEEK tubing ......................... 58
Peristaltic pump.. 2, 5, 8, 35, 70
Personal protection .............. 10
PharMed® ............................ 25
Position table ........................ 60
Power consumption.............. 71
Power switch........................... 7
PP ................................... 25, 62
Preparing the dialysis cell..... 20
Preparing the ultrafiltration cell17
Pressure lever ....... 8, 23, 24, 33
Pressure screw ......... 15, 23, 31
Printer.................................... 39
Printer cable.......................... 39
Program........... 41, 42, 46, 47,
....................... 49, 53, 54, 55
PTFE capillary..... 15, 27, 29, 30
Pump connections...... 6, 35, 70
Pump drive ............................. 8
Pump tubing .......... 23, 24, 27,
................. 29, 30, 31, 61, 94
Pump tubing - filtration cell
connection ....................... 27
Pump tubing – injection valve
connection ....................... 28
Pump tubings
service life ........................ 61
Pumps ............................ 56, 57
PVC..................... 25, 62, 95, 96
PVDF pressure screw . 18, 27,
............................. 29, 30, 63
PVDF pressure screws ......... 32
Q ________________________
Quality Management Principles
......................................... 99
R ________________________
Rack...................................... 36
Rack change........................... 8
Rack code............................... 8
Rack detection...................... 60
Rear panel .............................. 6
Recovery rate........................ 68
Relative humidity................... 72
Remote adapter (6.2125.120)47
Remote cable ........ 41, 42, 46,
............................. 47, 57, 94
Remote connection .......... 7, 38
Remote interface .................. 39
Replacing the dialysis
membrane........................ 65
Replacing the filtration
membrane........................ 63
Retaining bracket.............. 8, 24
Retaining cam......................... 8
Retention plate.................. 5, 15
Ring wedge........................... 15
Rinsing the ultrafiltration cell...
................................... 18, 64
Risk of injury ......................... 37
Robotic arm ...................... 5, 14
Rod stirrer ............................. 71
RS232 ................................... 39
RS232 cable . 41, 42, 46, 47, 48
RS232 connection .................. 7
RS232 interface .................... 38
S ________________________
Safety guard ............... 5, 10, 37
Safety notes.......................... 72
Safety specification............... 72
Sample beakers.................... 92
Sample dilution............... 42, 44
Sample queue ...................... 51
Sample rack.......... 5, 36, 59, 92
Sample transfer .................... 58
Sample tube ................... 59, 92
Scope of application............... 1
detaching the dialysis cell 65
Sealing ring..................... 17, 20
Selection of the filter membrane
......................................... 68
Sequence methods .............. 56
Service .................................. 61
Service life of pump tubing... 23
Setup .................................... 13
Setup settings....................... 14