6 manual control, 1 rotating the sample rack, Manual control – Metrohm 863 Compact Autosampler User Manual

Page 51: Rotating the sample rack

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5 Operation

863 Compact Autosampler




Manual control

The manual control of sample rack, lift and peristaltic pump is accom-
plished directly in the main dialog. If one of the lines Rack position, Lift
or Pump is selected, then a function bar will appear at the low-
est line with the selection of available functions.


Rotating the sample rack

If the Rack position line is selected, then the arrow keys [

] and [] can

be used to select one of the following functions, which can then be run
by pressing [OK]:


The lift is moved upward and the next-higher
rack position is placed in front of the lift.

If the [OK] key remains pressed, the rack auto-
matically moves to the next position.


The lift is moved upward and the next-lower
rack position is placed in front of the lift.

If the [OK] key remains pressed, the rack auto-
matically moves to the next position.


The rack is initialized. The lift is moved upward
and the sample rack is rotated to the starting
position. At the same time, the starting position
(Next sample pos.) is reset to 1 for the start of
the next sample series.

The rack position display is always updated as soon as the rack is in the
new position.