Remote control of the instrument – Bowers Group Trimos V+ Series Height Gauges User Manual

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Tel ++ 41 21 633 01 01 Fax ++41 21 633 01 02 [email protected]

Page 22

18. Remote control of the instrument

The instrument functions are controlled externally by an ASCII code corresponding to the
3 first letters of the function. Spaces are removed. The message may be in upper or lower
case. The question mark ? implies an instrument response.

? or PRI (PRInt) requests displayed value.
CLE (CLEar) reinitialises the maximum / minimum / delta memories.

Code for external functions. (foot-pedal)

EXT1 external contact = data transmission
EXT2 external contact = display preset
EXT3 external contact = normal mode <-> diameter mode
EXT4 external contact = reference mode 1 <-> mode reference 2
EXT ? asks for current function of external contact.

Other codes

ID ?(identification) Instrument replies : SYLVAC – TRIMOS V600

IN (Inch) display unit
MM (MilliMètre) display unit

KEY0 (KEYboard) keyboard locked
KEY1 keyboard unlocked

CEN (CENterline) centerline mode
DIA (DIAmeter) diameter mode
DEL (DELta) delta mode (maximum-minimum)
NOR (NORmal) normal mode
MAX (MAXimum) maximum mode
MIN (MINimum) minimum mode
MOD ? (MODe) interrogation of the measuring mode :NOR,DIA,CEN,MIN,MAX,DEL

PRE (PREset) displays the preset value.
PRE + nombre memorises a new preset value.
PRE ? interrogates the memorised preset value.
RES2 (RESolution) Resolution 0.001mm - .00005 in
RES3 Resolution 0.01mm - .0005 in

SET ? (SETting) interrogation of general parameters :
MM/IN RES2/3 REF1/2 KEY 0/1 B0/1. B0=battery recharging.

UNI ? (UNIt) measuring unit : MM or IN
VER ? (VERsion) instrument program version : V 1.1 24.01.00

DIS…….. (DISplay) access to display i.e. : DIS1500.236 = displayed 1500.236
DISOFF exit of access display mode.