Using the who button, Using the who button -8, Drivetools32 and database files – Rockwell Automation 9303 DRIVE TOOLS32 GETTING STARTED User Manual

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Setting Up a DH+ to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru Communications System

Publication 9303-5.13 – March 1998


If applicable, select Use 1395 Protocol.


Click OK.

After a short pause, either the DriveManager32 screen with the drive parameters
appears, or you are prompted to create a database.

Using the WHO

The WHO button is located on the RIO Pass Through Network Connect to
dialog box to help you determine the DH+ station number for the PLC to
which the drive is connected. When you click WHO, the WHO’s Active dialog
box scans the DH+ network and displays the devices that are currently active.
The following is an example of a WHO’s Active dialog box.

To select a device:


Highlight the device.


Click OK.

The station number of the device that you selected is used for the Enter
PLC(SLC) DH+ Station (0-77 Octal)
field on the RIO Pass Through
Network Connect to Drive
dialog box.

When you are using DH+ communications, the WHO’s Active dialog box
quickly completes the scan.