3 trim regulator gains – Rockwell Automation 9329 Drive Application Software Tension Control Gen. Units User Manual

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FM – Tension Control

Drive Application Software – page 42 of 52

6.2.2 Analog Input 2 (Default Config for AM)

After finishing the assisted start, the next step is to configure analog inputs. Analog
Input two is default aliased to the DanTenFB_DC tag in the the drivelogix controller.
The feedback is scaled such that ten volts equates to 100 percent.

Tension Feedback Example: This example is for the trim regulator trimming tension
with a load cell feedback. The load cell generates a signal such that fifty pounds
(50lbs) is equal to ten volts (10V).
Follow the Load cell manufacture's guidelines for setting up the load cell. The
following is typical start up procedure.

For a PowerFlex 700S
1. With no external force on the load cell (just the deadweight of the roll), zero the

load cell output and verity that p806 [Analog In2 Data] is zero. Adjust p809
[Analog 2 Offset] accordingly.

2. Apply the maximum line running weight in the machine path. Adjust the load

cell's output to get 10 volts. Adjust p808 [Analog 2 Scale] such that p806 [Analog
2 Data] is equal to 100.

3. Remove the known weight and verify the load cell is sending 0 volts.

With the drive's analog input scaled such that ten volts (10V) is equal to one hundred
(100%). TenDanFbMin_DC is set to zero (0). TenDanFb_max is set to one hundred
(100). Therefore the tension reference needs to be scaled such that one hundred
percent is equal to fifty pounds. If the tension reference was sent to the routine as a
number between zero and fifty, then TenRefStpt_Min_DC is set to zero (0) and
TenREfStp_Max_DC is set to fifty (50).

Dancer Feedback Example: This example is for the trim regulator trimming dancer
position. The Dancer Feedback is wired to the drive's analog input two. The zero
storage position is when the material would be tight. The full storage position is when
the material would be slack.

For a PowerFlex 700S
1. Move the dancer to the zero storage position. Verify that p806 [Analog In2 Data]

is zero. Adjust p809 [Analog 2 Offset] accordingly.

2. Move the dancer to the full storage position. Verify that p806 {Analog In2 Data}

is one hundred (100). Adjust p808 accordingly.

6.3 Trim Regulator Gains

The trim regulator consists of a simple Proportional – Integral (PI) regulator with a lead-lag
filter in the feedback path. The values for integral, proportional, lead and lag are entered
through the application tags.

6.3.1 Bandwidth

There are many definitions of Bandwidth. The definition that this manual follows is
the time response to reach 63% of the final value.