Rockwell Automation 9329 Drive Application Software Tension Control Gen. Units User Manual

Page 35

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FM – Tension Control

Drive Application Software – page 35 of 52

TenRTaper_Pct – In 6

Enter the real application tag from the Taper Tension Reference JSR Instruction.

DanStpt_Pct – In 7

Enter a real application tag for the Dancer Set point reference. If entering this
value directly into the JSR instruction ensure that there is one significant digit after
the decimal point.

TenDanRfRate_PctSec – In 8

Enter a real application tag for the Reference Ramp Rate. If entering this value
directly into the JSR instruction ensure that there is one significant digit after the
decimal point.

TenDanFb_DC – In 9, TenDanFbMin_DC – In 10, TenDanFbMax_DC
– In 11

These parameters configure/scale the feedback. The feedback is scaled
internally from engineering units or counts to percent. The TedDanFbMin sets the
zero percent value of the feedback. The TenDanFbMax sets the one hundered
percent value of the feedback. The feedback and reference need to be scaled
such that they are equal.

Example: This example is for the trim regulator trimming tension with a load cell
feedback. The load cell generates a signal such that 0 lbs tension is equal to 1v
and 50lbs is equal to 10v. Set the drive's analog input two, such that ten volts
(10V) is equal to one hundred (100%), with this setting 1v will equal 10%. The
TenDanFbMin_DC value should be set to 10. The TenDanFb_max value should
be set to 100. With this configuration the tension reference needs to be scaled
such that one hundred percent is equal to 50 pounds of tension. If the tension
reference was sent to the routine as a number between zero and 50, than
TenRefStpt_Min_DC is set to 0 and TenREfStp_Max_DC is set to 50.

DrvTrqFb_PU – In 12

Enter a real application tag that aliases the Motor Torque Feedback

Trim_KP – In 13

Enter a real application tag that stores the Proportional Gain Value. It is
recommended that this be an application tag rather than a direct entry into the
JSR instruction.

TrimWld_Rad – In 14

Enter a real application tag that stores the Lead Value of the trim regulator. It is
recommended that this be an application tag rather than a direct entry into the
JSR instruction.

TrimLimSpd_Pct – In 15

Enter a real application tag that stores the Trim Limit Speed Pct. It is
recommended that this be an application tag rather than a direct entry into the
JSR instruction.

TrimLimSpdZero_Pct – In 16

Enter a real application tag that stores the Trim Limit Speed Zero. It is
recommended that this be an application tag rather than a direct entry into the
JSR instruction.

LineSpdTrimLimSpd_EU – In 17

Enter a real application tag that stores the Line Speed Trim Limit Speed in EU. It
is recommended that this be an application tag rather than a direct entry into the
JSR instruction.

TrimLimTrq_Pct – In 18

Enter a real application tag that stores the Trim Limit Torque Pct. It is
recommended that this be an application tag rather than a direct entry into the
JSR instruction.