0 setup/configuration, 1 overview, 2 logic jsr instruction – Rockwell Automation 9329 Drive Application Software Tension Control Gen. Units User Manual

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FM – Tension Control

Drive Application Software – page 31 of 52

5.0 Setup/Configuration

5.1 Overview

All setup and configuration is done in the Main routine. The Tension Control Function Module
has five routines. The Function Module is connected to the balance of the application module
software by placing application tag names in the Jump to Sub-Routine (JSR) instructions of
the Main routine.

The JSR input parameter is looking for a specific type of tag for each input and return. It is
important that the application tag is the correct data type for the input. The most common
data types used by the function module are as follows:

1. Boolean (BOOL)
2. Floating point (REAL)
3. Integer (DINT)

If the user is entering a value instead of an application tag, the value needs to be of the same
type as the tag input. REAL input must be configured (entered) as x.x (1.0 = 1). If they are
not entered in this format the JSR will attempt to convert the value from and integer, this will
lead to errors in the program.
When the JSR instruction input parameters are configured with tags that are intended to be
tuned by the user at commissioning, it is recommended that the (z prefix) naming convention
be used for tags of this type.

5.2 Logic JSR Instruction

The Logic routine has two functions. The first function is to configure and setup the Function
Module for the application. To configure the Function Module place a 0 or 1 in the
configuration place holder of the JSR. To setup the function module place an appropriate tag
for the value requested in the JSR. The second function is to control the Function Module.
This is done by placing the appropriate tags into the JSR.

5.2.1 Input Parameters

CtrlEnbl – In 1

Enter a boolean tag for Control Enabled. This tag is set true to enable the trim
regulator. When set false, the trim regulator will ramp the output to zero.

Running – In 2

Enter a boolean tag for Drive Running. This tag is true when the drive is running
with the run velocity reference.

TenCntrl – In 3, DanCntrl – In 4, TrqCntrl – In 5

These three inputs determine the type of control regulator (Tension, Dancer, and
Torque). Only one of the three inputs should be on at a time. Enter a boolean tag
for the bits if they can dynamically change. If these are static values, then enter a
1 into the desired control type and a 0 for the other two.

TrqTrim – In 6, SpdTrim – In 7

These two inputs determine where the output of the trim loop is sent. Set one of
the inputs true. Set input 6 to a 1 for torque trim. Set input 7 to a 1 for speed trim.
Do not set both trim selections simultaneously.

TenZoneDwStream – In 8

Set high if the regulated tension zone is after the controlling section in the web
path. The following figure shows the tension zone for unwinds is always down
stream (set High) and the tension zone for winders is always upstream (set Low).