What this appendix contains, What we assume, Appendix b – Rockwell Automation 1747-SCNR ControlNet Scanner Module Reference Manual User Manual

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Publication 1747-RM623D-EN-P - June 2006

Appendix B

Use CIP Messaging to Access Local
Database and ControlNet Data Files

What This Appendix Contains

This appendix provides a description of how a remote device
can read or write the Local Database and ControlNet data areas
of the 1747-SCNR scanner by using Get Member and Set
Member services. These data files are located in Input, Output,
M0 and M1 memory files.

What We Assume

We assume that you are familiar with object modeling and CIP
protocol as described in the ControlNet Specification available
from ControlNet International. You can contact ControlNet
International at its website

Read and Write Access to
1747-SCNR Data Files Using
Assembly Object Services

The 1747-SCNR scanner supports the following aspects of
Assembly Object Services:

• The 1747-SCNR assembly object supports Get Member and

Set Member services. The IOI of these requests must
contain four logical segments: Class number, instance
number, attribute number and member number.

• The member number is interpreted as the one-based word

offset of the data transfer.

• The number of members (first word of the request field) is

interpreted as size in words of the data transfer.