Rockwell Automation 1402-LSM Line Synchronization Module Installation Instructions User Manual
Page 68
Appendix C
Sample Ladder Listing
Rung 2:2
The trigger must be present and the run sequence must be complete for the
config mode to be enabled. Unless it is the first pass.
| |Config |
| |Run |Sequence,& |
| |Mode |BT’S Done. Config |
| |Sequence |Status Mode |
| Trigger |complete |Data Valid Enable |
| B3 B3 B3 B3 |
+–+–––] [––––––––] [––––+–––]/[––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––( )–––––––+
| | 0 3 | 6 1 |
| | Config | |
| | Mode | |
| | Enable | |
| | B3 | |
| ++–––] [––––+–––––––––+ |
| | 1 | |
| |First | |
| |Pass | |
| |Bit | |
| | S:1 | |
| +–––] [––––+ |
| 15 |
Rung 2:3
Used to reset the valid data bits when the configuration sequence begins.
| Config |
| Mode Data |
| Trigger Enable Reset |
| B3 B3 B3 |
+–+–––] [––––––+–––]/[–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––( )–––––––+
| | 0 | 1 2 |
| | First | |
| | Pass | |
| | Bit | |
| | S:1 | |
| ++–––] [––––++ |
| | 15 | |
| |Data | |
| |Reset | |
| | B3 | |
| +–––] [––––+ |
| 2 |
Rung 2:4
Moves word zero of configuration sequence into N10:0 on First Pass.
| First |
| Pass Sequencer |
| Bit output |
| S:1 +NEQ–––––––––––––––+ +MOV–––––––––––––––+ |
+––––] [–––––+NOT EQUAL +–––––––––––––––––––––––––+MOVE +–––+
| 15 |Source A N21:0| |Source N21:0| |
| | 59| | 59| |
| |Source B N10:0| |Destination N10:0| |
| | 54| | 54| |
| +––––––––––––––––––+ +––––––––––––––––––+ |
Rung 2:2
When the trigger is
present and the run
sequence is completed,
the config mode is
enabled until the Module
configuration sequence is
Rung 2:3
Used to reset the
module configuration
complete Bit.
Rung 2:4
Moves word zero into
the sequencer output
(Block transfer control)
on the first pass. If not
used the processor may