C - sample ladder listing, Sample ladder listing – Rockwell Automation 1402-LSM Line Synchronization Module Installation Instructions User Manual

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Sample Ladder Listing

This is a sample ladder. It shows a way to configure the block transfers for
the 1402–LSM and the Power I/O Configuration software.


ATTENTION: Proper operation of the ladder program is the
responsibility of the user. No warranty is expressed or implied by
using this ladder configuration.

This ladder is subject to change.

Rung 2:0

Assign trigger bit from desired trigger.

| User |
| Supplied Trigger |
| Input Timer Trigger |
| I:003 T4:0 B3 |
+––––] [–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+–––]/[––––––––––––( )––––+–––+
| 00 | DN 0 | |
| | | |
| | Trigger | |
| | Timer | |
| |+TON–––––––––––––––+ | |
| ++TIMER ON DELAY +–(EN)+ |
| |Timer T4:0| |
| |Time base 0.01+–(DN) |
| |Preset 40| |
| |Accum 0| |
| +––––––––––––––––––+ |

Rung 2:1

Internal Module Status Bit.

| Module |
| Status Module |
| Input Status |
| I:000 B3 |
+––––] [–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––( )–––––––+
| 17 7 |

Rung 2:0
Assigns an external trigger
to set an internal trigger.
The timer allows the
internal trigger to be set for
a prescribed time. It also
serves as a one shot.

Rung 2:1
In the event that the
module status input is
set the ladder will only
read the diagnostic