Rockwell Automation 150 MNL/SMC DIALOG+/APP-PROD GUIDE User Manual
Page 200

Star Connection
The arrangement of phase windings, in a polyphase circuit, in which one end
of each phase winding is connected to a common junction. In a three-phase
circuit, it is sometimes called a Y connection.
Contrasted with Delta Connection.
The condition at a particular time of any numerous entities within a system. These
conditions may be represented by values in a status line.
Surge Protection
The process of absorbing and clipping voltage transients on an incoming AC line
or control circuit. MOVs (Metal Oxide Varistors) and specially designed R-C
networks are usually used to accomplish this.
Surge Suppression
The process of absorbing and clipping voltage transients on an incoming AC line
or control circuit. MOVs (Metal Oxide Varistors) and specifically designed R-C
networks are usually used to accomplish this.
Surge Suppressor
A device that attenuates the magnitude of electrical noise.
A type of serial transmission that maintains a constant time interval between
successive events.
Synchronous Speed
The speed on an AC induction motor’s rotating magnetic field. It is determined by
the frequency applied to the stator and the number of magnetic poles present in
each phase of the stator windings. Mathematically, it is expressed as: Sync Speed
(RPM) = 120 x Applied Freq. (Hz)/Number of poles per phase.
Thread Speed
A fixed low speed, usually adjustable, supplied to provide a convenient method for
loading and threading machines. May also be called a preset speed.
To switch alternately between two possible selections.
A turning force applied to a shaft, tending to cause rotation. Torque is normally
measured in ounce-inches or pound-feet and is equal to the force applied, times th
radius through which it acts.
Torque Constant
(in-lbs.) This motor parameter, abbreviated as “in.-lbs.” provides a relationship
between input current and output torque. For each ampere of current applied to th
rotor, a fixed amount of torque will result.
Torque Control
A method of using current limit circuitry to regulate torque instead of speed.
Totally Enclosed Machine
A totally enclosed machine is one so enclosed as to prevent the free exchange of air
(Motor)between the inside and the outside of the case but not sufficiently enclosed
to be termed airtight.