Burnham 8H User Manual

Page 39

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2. Electronically Supervised Standing Pilot (OP)

Sequence of Operation
a. Normal Operation

i. Thermostat or operating control calls for


ii. Terminal #6 of RM7890C Burner Control

is energized, initiating a microcomputer

monitored circuit test.

iii. Pilot Flame Establishing Period (PFEP)


iv. After pilot flame is proven, terminal #9 of

RM7890C is energized, allowing main gas

flow and ignition of main burners. “Main”

gas light will be illuminated.

v. Call for heat ends. Terminal #6 of

RM7890C is de-energized, in turn de-

energizing gas valves and extinguishing

main flame. “Main” gas light is de-


b. Safety Shutdown

i. Limit: Automatically interrupts main burner

operation when water temperature exceeds

set point. Maximum allowable temperature

is 250°F. Circulator continues to operate

with call for heat. Normal operation

resumes when water temperature falls below

set point.

ii. Blocked Vent Switch: Automatically

interrupts main burner operation when

excessive flue gas spillage occurs.

Circulator continues to operate with call for

heat. If blocked vent switch is activated

do not attempt to place boiler in operation.

Correct cause of spillage and reset blocked

vent switch.

iii. Flame Roll-out Switch: Automatically

interrupts main burner operation when

flames or excessive heat are present in

vestibule. Circulator continues to operate

with call for heat. Control is single use

device. If flame roll-out switch is activated,

do not attempt to place boiler in operation.

Correct cause of spillage and replace flame

roll-out switch.

iv. RM7890C Burner Control: Automatically

interrupts main burner operation if a pilot

flame is not detected during the four or ten

second pilot flame establishing period. The

RM7890C will lockout or recycle based

on jumper settings. “Alarm” light will be

illuminated. Refer to instructions supplied

with RM7890C for additional control


3. Electronically Supervised Standing Pilot (OP-CSD-1)

Sequence of Operation

a. Normal Operation

i. Thermostat or operating control calls for


ii. Terminal #6 of RM7890C Burner Control

is energized, initiating a microcomputer

monitored circuit test.

iii. Pilot Flame Establishing Period (PFEP)


iv. After pilot flame is proven, terminal #9 of

RM7890C is energized, allowing main gas

flow and ignition of main burners. “Main”

gas light will be illuminated.

v. Call for heat ends. Terminal #6 of

RM7890C is de-energized, in turn de-

energizing gas valves and extinguishing

main flame. “Main” gas light is de-


b. Safety Shutdown

i. Limit: Automatically interrupts main burner

operation when water temperature exceeds

set point. Maximum allowable temperature

is 250°F. Circulator continues to operate

with call for heat. Normal operation

resumes when water temperature falls below

set point.

ii. Blocked Vent Switch: Automatically

interrupts main burner operation when

excessive flue gas spillage occurs.

Circulator continues to operate with call for

heat. If blocked vent switch is activated

do not attempt to place boiler in operation.

Correct cause of spillage and reset blocked

vent switch.

iii. Flame Roll-out Switch: Automatically

interrupts main burner operation when

flames or excessive heat are present in

vestibule. Circulator continues to operate

with call for heat. Control is single use

device. If flame roll-out switch is activated,

do not attempt to place boiler in operation.

Correct cause of spillage and replace flame

roll-out switch.

iv. RM7890C Burner Control: Automatically

interrupts main burner operation if a pilot

flame is not detected during the four or ten

second pilot flame establishing period. The

RM7890C will lockout or recycle based

on jumper settings. “Alarm” light will be

illuminated. Refer to instructions supplied

with RM7890C for additional control


v. Pilot Safety Switch: Automatically de-

energizes main gas valve and interrupts pilot

gas supply if pilot flame is not detected at

any time.