STEMCO HandBAT RF User Manual
Page 13

Page 13
The Power Down Time sets the amount of time in minutes that a HandBAT screen will
remain on when it is left inactive.
The Read Range option sets the default read range of the HandBAT but can be
overridden when reading units for ease of use.
Configure - Set Date And Time
When selected this option allows the user to manually update the Year, Month, Day, Hour and
Minutes utilizing the up ( ↑ ) or down ( ↓ ) arrow keys.
Note: When the HandBAT device goes to sleep and turns off, the screen it can be easily
awakened for use with the touch of any key on the handheld.
Configure – Factory Test
With the Factory Test menu item highlighted, press the Enter Key, and the following screen will
This menu is password protected and is for factory use only; it cannot be accessed by end
user. Press the Main key or the Back key to exit.