Installation instructions for airbat sst, Rf – single, steer, and tag axle tire applications

Always use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
during the installation and maintenance of the sensors and or related systems
on a vehicle. If you have questions regarding which PPE are appropriate, please
osha 3151-12r 2003 to determine appropriate equipment.
1. Choose the correct bracket for the application. Brackets are available for
steer tires, drive axles and a variety of trailer hubs/wheels.
Figure 1
a steer tire mounting bracket, hub-pilot wheel.
2. Attach the AirBAT SST to the bracket. Use the screws that are supplied with
the AirBAT SST. Tighten the screws with
setting should be flush with the bottom of the bracket.
See Figure 2.
3. Make a note of the unique serial number printed on the AirBAT SST label.
figure 3.
Also note the position on the truck where the AirBAT SST is being
installed (Left-Front, Right-Front, etc.). This information will be entered into
WebBat at a later time. (For WebBat users only)
4. Hold the bracket, with AirBAT SST attached, near the hub and visually select
a mounting stud on the hub so that the AirBAT hose will not be stretched or
be too loose, as shown in
Figure 4.
Remove the lug nut and slide the bracket
onto the wheel stud. Install and tighten the lug nut to the recommended
torque setting.
5. Remove any cap from the wheel’s valve stem. Be sure the threads are clean
and usable. Restore/replace stem if needed. Connect the AirBAT SST hose
to the valve stem and hand tighten the knurled nut to approximately ½ turn
past the point where the valve stem contacts the rubber gasket. Use a leak-
detect bubble solution to ensure the connections do not leak.
6. Check the tire pressure with the HandBAT reader or a conventional tire
gauge. The tire may be filled using the fill/check port on the AirBAT SST. The
HandBAT reading should confirm the unit’s serial number recorded in step 3.
Lastly, remove the cap on the fill port and depress valve core to verify flow,
then replace cap.
7. The SST hose is replaceable. Ensure the jam nut on the AirBAT SST body is
tight against the fitting to prevent it from coming loose, as shown in
Figure 5.
Installation Instructions for AirBAT SST
RF – Single, Steer,
and Tag Axle Tire Applications