Cleaning and service – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual
Page 45

Cleaning and service
Fig. 2 Sealing screws
Install a test sieve.
Install a sieve cover.
Connect the vacuum cleaner to the manual vacuum regulation.
Connect the two hoses of the manometer (Digital Manometer PCE-P05 or
similar) to the two measuring ports.
Abb. 23: Connecting the Manometer
With the operating button, navigate to the sensor calibration menu point.
Manual operation sensor
Confirm the start of calibration by pressing the operating button.
Press the START button
The instrument will now activate the vacuum cleaner and you can start the
measurement. The air nozzle will not turn and the analog value of the differential
pressure will be shown in the display.
Compare this value on the display of your AS200 jet with the reading of your
measuring tool.
If necessary change the setting of the manual vacuum regulation to check further
measuring points. The actual pressure will be displayed until to press the STOP
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