Operating the machine – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual
Page 27

Operating the machine
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This device offers a new, very convenient operator guidance. All relevant data can
be entered or retrieved by means of a graphics display with one-button operation.
The menu guidance is in several languages.
Setting options using the display menu
The selection bar in the display should be operated as follows:
Rotation function I)
Turn the operating button to get to the various menu points. The selected
menu points are marked by the dark selection bar. Areas which cannot be
changed are skipped.
Rotation function II)
Turn the operating button to change figures and decisions in the menu
Press I)
Press the operating button to open selected menu points.
Press II)
Press the operating button to confirm settings.
Press III)
Keeping the operating button pressed takes you back to the basic screen
(level 1).
Navigation between operating modes
Turn the operating button clockwise until the dark line cursor is in the
navigation menu (C1).
Press the operating button (F).
The icon for scrolling direction (C4) changes from
By turning the operating button, switch between the operating modes
manual, Program 01 to 09, Quick Start and basic settings.
To activate the selected operating mode, press the operating button (F).
The icon for scrolling direction (C4) changes from
By turning the operating button, switch to the sub-points of the selected
menu point.