Technical data, Notice, 2 emissions – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual

Page 12: Caution

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Technical data


Pos : 5. 7 / 0025 Warnhinweise/H0007 HIN WEIS Ei nsatz ber eich des Ger ät es 8 St ündiger @ 1\ mod_1236240219096_9.doc x @ 7693 @ @ 1


Area of use of the machine

This machine is a laboratory machine designed for 8-hour single-shift

This machine may not be used as a production machine nor is it
intended for continuous operation.

Pos : 5. 8 / 0025 Warnhinweise/H0005 HIN WEIS Defekt von Bauteil en durc h Fl üssig keit en N assiebung @ 1\ mod_1243925266971_9.doc x @ 10369 @ @ 1


Defects in components due to liquids
Penetration of liquids inside the housing

Components are damaged and the correct functioning of the device is no
longer assured.

Do not use this device for any wet sieving.

Pos : 5. 9 / 0020 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Emmisionen @ 0\ mod_1226487095021_9. doc x @ 3310 @ 2 @ 1

3.2 Emissions

Pos : 5. 10 /0025 War nhi nweis e/ V0046 VORSICHT Gehörschaden Gehörverlust (AS200J et) @ 3\ mod_1282734262384_9.doc x @ 22771 @ @ 1


Hearing damage or hearing loss
Suction noise at the suction opening

The volume and/or force of drawn-in air can damage
hearing or cause hearing loss.

Keep your ears away from the air inlet in the channel.
Use hearing protection.

Pos : 5. 11 /0025 War nhi nweis e/ V0050 VORSICHT Ü ber hör en akus tisc her Signale ( AS200J et) @ 3\ mod_1282734265322_9.doc x @ 22798 @ @ 1



Failure to hear acoustic signals
Loud suction noise on the air inlet

It is possible that some acoustic warnings and voice communication may
not be noticed.

Take the strength of the suction noise into consideration when
designing your acoustic signals in the working environment.
Possibly additionally use visual signals.

Pos : 5. 12 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/AS200Jet/ 0005 AS200J et Tec hnische D at en/AS200J et M odul Emmisionen @ 1\ mod_1236585801662_9. doc x @ 7786 @ @ 1

Noise characteristics:

The noise is measured in accordance with DIN 45635-031-01-KL3

The AS 200 jet itself is constructed in a manner that prevents any significant
development of noise.

The noise characteristics of the connected industrial vacuum cleaner depend on
the set suction force and suction load.

When the NILFISK HDS2000 is used at max. suction stage II, the average sound
pressure level without sample filling is 72dB.

To reduce the suction noise, the provided sound absorber (IS) can be connected to
the air inlet channel (I).