Operating the machine, 10 direct access to the language menu – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual
Page 29

Operating the machine
Pos : 9. 36 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Direktz ugriff auf das Sprac henmenü @ 7\ mod_1386851099017_9.doc x @ 53612 @ 2 @ 1
5.10 Direct access to the language menu
Pos : 9. 37 /0005 RET SCH Bedi enungs anleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/ AS200J et /0007 AS200Jet Bedienung/ AS200j et M odul Sprac hei nst ell ungen extr a @ 7\ mod_1386769736915_9. doc x @ 53474 @ @ 1
If you have inadvertently set the wrong language you can go straight to the
language menu using the following steps.
Switch the device off by the main switch.
Switch the device on, simultaneously pressing the buttons START - STOP -
After selecting the correct language, switch the device off and immediately
back on.
Confirm your selection by pressing the operating button.
The device has now been permanently set to your language and you are in the
main menu.
Pos : 9. 38 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/------- Seitenumbr uch ----------- @ 0\ mod_1222344373758_0. doc x @ 2386 @ @ 1