Operating the machine, 7 soft-faced mallet – application and use, Warning – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual

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Operating the machine



Sieve lid for 50--mm/25--mm sieve height

Fig. 8: Sieve lid

The sieve lid for 50-mm (2-inch) sieves lies on the top edge of the sieve (1).

The sieve lid for 25-mm (1-inch) sieves lies on the ledge inside the sieve (2).

Pos : 9. 17 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Sc honhammer

– Anwendung und Gebrauc h @ 2\mod_1256728342926_9.doc x @ 17460 @ 2 @ 1

5.7 Soft-faced mallet

– Application and Use

Pos : 9. 18 /0005 RET SCH Bedi enungs anleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/ AS200J et /0007 AS200Jet Bedienung/ AS200j et M odul Sc honhammer verwenden @ 2\ mod_1256728441363_9. doc x @ 17467 @ @ 1

Any caking that has built up during the sieving process is knocked off the inside of
the lid by means of the soft-faced mallet.

Tap lightly, striking the centre of the knob as far as possible.

Fig. 9: Using the soft-faced mallet

Pos : 9. 19 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Anschl uss des ext ernen I ndus trie-Saugers R etsc h @ 1\ mod_1239966706099_9.doc x @ 8160 @ 2 @ 1

5.8 Connecting the external Industrial Vacuum cleaner

Pos : 9. 20 /0025 War nhi nweis e/ W0007 WARNUNG Str omsc hlag D ef ekt es Stromkabel (AS200Jet) @ 3\ mod_1282734267244_9. doc x @ 22816 @ @ 1



Electric shock
Faulty power cable

When you switch the device on there is danger of an electrical shock if the
power cable for the external suction device is damaged.

Before use, check the power cable between the sieve device and the
suction device for possible damage.

Never use a damaged power cable!