Operating the machine, 13 manual operation – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual

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Operating the machine


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5.13 Manual operation

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5.13.1 Sieve duration

00:01 to 99:59 (minutes : seconds)

5.13.2 Speed

5 to 55 revolutions per minute (10 revolutions per minute “Open Mesh”

5.13.3 Vacuum

You can adjust the vacuum when the automatic suction force adjustment has been
connected. (Pa; mbar; psi)

5.13.4 Open Mesh

Display whether Open Mesh is active: YES / NO

The air nozzle is moved two steps in the direction of rotation and then one step
back. The speed is fixed when Open Mesh is switched on to 10 revolutions per

Open Mesh switched on

Open Mesh switched off

5.13.5 Save parameters

All previously set parameters such as sieve duration, speed, vacuum (only with
connected automatic suction force adjustment) and Open Mesh can be saved in a
memory here.

Set the desired parameters.

By turning the operating button (F), switch to the menu point Save

Press the operating button (F).

The Save parameters menu opens and the dark line cursor is on Program.

Press the operating button (F) to select a program memory location or Quick

By turning the operating button (F) switch to the desired memory location.

Press the operating button (F) to exit the memory location selection.

Select either

Save to save settings or

back to cancel without saving.

5.13.6 Suction apparatus

Fig. 3: Connector (electrical connection for the external suction apparatus)

Using the suction apparatus menu point, you can switch on the vacuum cleaner
connected to the connector (P) independently of sieving.

By turning the operating button (F) switch to the suction apparatus menu