6 easysieve – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual
Page 42

Pos : 11.1 /0005 RET SCH/ 0015 R ETSCH Reparat ur- und M ontag eanleit ungen/ 00000 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. Übersc hriften/ 1 Eas ySi e ve® @ 0\ mod_1229520770280_9.doc x @ 5246 @ 2 @ 1
6 EasySieve®
Pos : 11.2 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten Soft ware BDA11 St euern, aus wert en, dokumentieren @ 0\ mod_1231151811461_9.doc x @ 5357 @ 2 @ 1
6.1 Control, evaluation, documentation
Pos : 11.3 /0010 RET SCH St andard Kapit elG ener al Modul Eas ySieve @ 0\ mod_1231151891210_9. doc x @ 5363 @ @ 1
EasySieve®, the software package from RETSCH for grain size analyses, is
superior to manual evaluation in many respects. This is because the software is
able to perform the required measuring and weighing processes automatically
from determining the weights of the sieves to evaluating the data. And in a much
more simple and comfortable manner
– thus making life “easier”.
The software is structured in a self-explanatory way and follows the logical chain of
events involved in analysing grain sizes. This makes it possible to use it with
confidence in a fairly short time. The multiplicity of evaluation options additionally
provides the utmost flexibility in adapting to demanding, individual applications.
Abb. 21: Parameter input
– Trend analysis of product processes - Comparison with specification limits
Pos : 11.4 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten Soft ware BDA11 PC - Ans chl uss seriell @ 0\ mod_1231157519470_9.doc x @ 5369 @ 3 @ 1
6.2 Serial PC connection
Pos : 12 / 0005 RET SCH Bedi enungsanleit ungen Kapitels ammlungen/ AS200J et /00091 AS200J et PC Ansc hlus s Seriell/ AS200Jet Modul PC A nsc hluss Seriell @ 1\ mod_1249992786844_9. doc x @ 13787 @ @ 1
The AS200jet can be connected in series with a personal computer for data
migration and data transfer. Either use a standard 9-pole RS232 cable or a type B
USB cable. This enables analysis communication between sieving and the
EasySieve ® software which is available as an accessory.
Depending on the model, connect either
the 9-pole RS232 cable to the RS232 interface (K) or
the USB type B cable to the USB interface (L).
Fig. 22: Schnittstellen