3 technical data, Technical data, 1 use of the machine for the intended purpose – Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual

Page 11: Caution

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Technical data


Pos : 5. 1 / 0020 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. Ü bers chrift en/ 1 T ec hnisc he D at en @ 0\ mod_1222344525522_9. doc x @ 2407 @ 1 @ 1

3 Technical data

Pos : 5. 2 / 0020 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Ei nsatz der Masc hi ne bei bes ti mmungsgemäß er Ver wendung @ 0\ mod_1226476732248_9.doc x @ 3243 @ 2 @ 1

3.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose

Pos : 5. 3 / 0025 Warnhinweise/V0005 VOR SICHT explosionsgef är det e At mos phäre @ 1\ mod_1239868668923_9. doc x @ 8140 @ @ 1


Risk of explosion or fire

On account of its design, the device is not suitable for use in hazardous
(potentially explosive) atmospheres.

Do not operate the device in a hazardous atmosphere.

Pos : 5. 4 / 0025 Warnhinweise/V0003 VOR SICHT Explosions- oder Br andgefahr Sieben @ 1\ mod_1243924323407_9.doc x @ 10360 @ @ 1


Risk of explosion or fire
Changing sample characteristics

Note that the characteristics and accordingly the danger presented by a
sample can change during sieving.

Do not sieve any potentially explosive or combustible materials in
this device.

Pos : 5. 5 / 0025 Warnhinweise/V0006 VOR SICHT G ef ahr von Pers onensc häden G ef ährlic he St of fe @ 1\ mod_1236238456269_9. doc x @ 7634 @ @ 1


Danger of personal injury
Dangerous nature of the sample

Depending on the dangerous nature of your sample, take the
necessary measures to rule out any danger to persons.

Observe the safety guidelines and datasheets of your
sample material.

Pos : 5. 6 / 0005 R ETSCH /0005 RET SCH Bedienungs anl eit ung en Kapi tels ammlungen/ AS200J et/ 0005 AS200Jet T echnisc he Daten/ AS200J et Mo dul Ei ns atz bei bes timmungsgemäß e Ver wendung @ 1\ mod_1236585801365_9.doc x @ 7778 @ @ 1

Target group: Owner/managing operator, operator

Machine Type Designation: AS200jet

The AS200jet is specially designed for the dry sieving and the particle size
determination of fine-grained, dry, pourable and dispersed bulk materials. The
sieve holder is particularly suitable for the Retsch 203-mm-diameter test sieves.

This device offers user-friendly operation with rotary knob control and a large
graphic display. All sieve parameters are set, indicated and monitored digitally.

Work is also made easier by the possibility of storing up to 9 and 10 (QUICK
START) parameter combinations directly in the sieve shaker for frequently
repeated sieving operations under the same conditions. The QUICK START key
allows direct access to a combination of parameters.

The device can be controlled and adjusted with the EasySieve® evaluation
software. With EasySieve® all sieve parameters are displayed on the screen
before and during the sieving procedure.

The AS200jet can then reduce the average sieving times in samples with a high
fine fraction.