Opticon OPL 9724 User Manual
Page 26

3-3-2-3-2-3-2Sending plain ASCII data to a PC using GSM
Before connecting, the remote modem should first be initialized with ‘ATS0=1’-
modem command so that the modem will automatically go off hook and connects
when being called.
A serial communication program, like HyperTerminal or Procomm Plus, should be
used to be able to initialize the modem and view the received plain ASCII data.
After setting up the bluetooth connection the software calls a telephone number of the
remote PC with a modem using the GSM network of the mobile phone. As soon as
the connection with the remote modem is established the data will be send a plain
ASCII data.
3-3-2-3-2-3-3 Sending the data file to a remote PC with a modem using the
Kermit protocol.
The software calls the telephone number of a remote PC with a modem.
The remote PC should be running the program Procomm Plus (Windows or MS-DOS
version) in so-called host-mode.
The telephone number of the remote PC, the user name and password and the
version of Procomm Plus need to be specified before sending.
After running the log-in script of Procomm Plus, the Kermit protocol is used to send
the data file.
Important notes:
• The user name needs to contain both a first name and a last name separated by
a space (i.e. “JOHN DOE”).
• The entered user name/password-combination must also be set in Procomm Plus
otherwise the authorization fails.
• Procomm Plus for Windows will produce a ‘filename collision’-error if the data file:
‘DATA.TXT’ is already present in the download directory of Procomm. Therefor
the filename: ‘DATA.TXT’, must be deleted from the PC after each session.
3-3-2-3-2-3-4Sending the data file the remote FTP server using GSM
After setting up the bluetooth connection the software calls a telephone number of the
remote ISP server, using a password and user name of an Internet account. After
establishing a connection with the ISP server the software will try to connect to the
remote FTP server, using its IP-address and a valid username and password.
The data file will be placed in the root-directory of the FTP-server.
3-3-2-3-2-3-5Email the data the remote SMTP server using GSM
After setting up the bluetooth connection the software calls a telephone number of a
remote ISP server, using a password and user name of an Internet account. After
establishing a connection with the ISP server the software will try to connect to a
remote SMTP server, by using its IP-address, the senders-email address and the
recipients emails address.
Before connecting to the SMTP server a connection with a POP-server is first made
to let the OPL9724 authenticate itself at the mail-server. To do this the IP-address of
the POP-server and a valid username and a password needs to be specified as well.
3-3-2-3-2-4 Sending data to a remote mobile phone using SMS
After setting up the bluetooth connection the mobile phone is used to send the data of
a single bar code to a remote mobile phone using the SMS protocol. The telephone
number of the remote telephone needs to be specified first.