Opticon OPL 9724 User Manual
Page 21

Making a serial connection with the CRD9723 cradle
Before trying to make a connection with the CRD9723 cradle its necessary to check
the DIP-switch settings of the cradle to verify if the baudrate settings of the cradle
match the selected baudrate in the demonstration program.
Making a serial connection with a PC
Connect the Cradle too the PC by connecting it’s standard serial cable to the serial
COM port of the PC.
When sending data to a PC using the cradle the following communication parameters
should be used:
Parity =
Databits =
Stopbits =
3-3-2-2-2-2 Sending plain ASCII data to a PC
Run a serial communication program, like HyperTerminal. Always use the same
baudrate settings as the cradle and OPL9724 to be able to receive data from the
cradle. The data will be send as plain ASCII data to the PC
3-3-2-2-2-3 Sending the data file with the NetO protocol to a PC
Run the NetO file transfer program: download.exe to be able to receive the data file
using the NetO protocol. Make sure the correct baudrate and COM port are selected
in this program by using the command:
‘download.exe –p
download.exe –p1 –b115200
Making a serial connection with a modem
Before starting to connect the modem to your cradle please observe the following:
Due to the use of infrared communication between the cradle and the OPL9723
terminal, only half-duplex operation is permitted. Some modems implement command
echo in such a way that a command is echoed back before it is completely received.
If this is the case the modem must be configured in the application so that it doesn’t
echo commands.
That can be done connecting the modem to your PC and run a communication
program, like Windows HyperTerminal.
By sending the following commands the echo mode should be turned off and the
RTS/CTS should be set to their correct settings.
Resets modem
Turns off the echo mode
Sets CTS, ignore RTS
Stores new settings in memory
All AT-commands should return OK.