MTS ReNew Technical Reference User Manual
Page 13

ReNew Technical Reference
The ReNew
and ReNew SMA
Upgrade System product series are the latest
generation of system upgrade products for material testing equipment from MTS
Systems Corporation. Our ReNew System works in conjunction with an MTS
testing frame or comparable frame and offers the most up-to-date enhancement
features in the material testing industry.
The purpose of this manual is to give you information about your MTS ReNew
and ReNew SMA Upgrade System system and to maximize the use of the system
for your organization. It is designed to help you understand your testing system,
its capabilities, and operating requirements. Read each section carefully and refer
to the manual whenever you need assistance.
System performance and customer responsibility 14
- Series 111 Accumulator (40 pages)
- Series 249G2 Swivels (34 pages)
- Series 201 Actuators (40 pages)
- Series 215 Rotary Actuator (68 pages)
- Series 242 Actuators (40 pages)
- Series 244 Actuators (68 pages)
- Series 247 Actuators (40 pages)
- Series 248 Actuators (46 pages)
- 709 Alignment System (158 pages)
- Series 609 Alignment Fixture (70 pages)
- 494 Controller Hardware FT 40 (344 pages)
- DCPD Measurement System (46 pages)
- Bionix EnviroBath (40 pages)
- FGW900 High-temperature Furnace (38 pages)
- Model 409.83 Temperature Controller (40 pages)
- Series 651 Environmental Chambers (30 pages)
- Series 653 High-Temperature Furnaces (38 pages)
- Series 658 Environmental Chamber (24 pages)
- Series FEC Environmental Chamber (48 pages)
- Model 685.53 Grip Control Module (24 pages)
- Series 685 Hydraulic Grip Supply (48 pages)
- Bend Fixture-10 kN (2 pages)
- Grip-Manual Bend Fixture-100 kN (2 pages)
- Grip-Manual Bollard-2 kN (2 pages)
- Grip-Manual Bollard-500 N (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-100 kN-100mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-100 kN-150mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-100 kN-200mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-20 kN (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-20 kN-100mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-20 kN-200mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-20 kN-SST (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-500 N FYC502A (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-500 N FYB502A (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-500 N-50mm (2 pages)
- Grip-Pneumatic Vise-Style-1 kN (2 pages)
- Pneumatic Bollard-500 N (2 pages)
- Scissor-Style-2 kN (2 pages)
- Scissor-Style-5 kN (2 pages)
- Screw-Style-5 kN (2 pages)
- Screw-Style-5 kN-SST (2 pages)
- Bend Fixture-1000 kN (2 pages)
- Bend Fixture-300 kN (2 pages)
- Bolt Grips (32 pages)