More functions, Overview of all softkeys, Calibrating the vacuum sensor – Heidolph Hei-VAP Precision User Manual
Page 41: Connecting to a pc

Overview of all softkeys
Store Favorite
Storing the data record for Favorites (program list).
Cancelling the entry and backing up on step, no storage of
The vacuum is held at the value when soft key is depressed.
Start all
Vacuum control on, rotation on, lower motor lift
Stop all
Vacuum control off, rotation off, raise motor lift
Start Vacuum
Vacuum control on
Stop Vacuum
Vacuum control off, ventilate system
Display of diagram of pressure/time curve
The actual curve is displayed in the actual value display.
The tabular entries are visualized in the menu program
Max. Vacuum
Vacuum control on, system is evacuated to the minimum
pressure value allowable considering pump and air leaks.
Vacuum control on (after Hold)
The actual value screen or gradient increments screen is
The current actual value of the pressure is accepted as a new
set value
Display of all lists of the stored Favorites.
Scroll Help
Scrolling within the context help to visualize hidden text.
Calibrating the vacuum sensor
The vacuum sensor can be calibrated.
Vacuum gauge is available.
The unit is connected.
1. Interconnect the vacuum gauge near the condenser (for example, with a Y-piece).
2. Switch on the vacuum pump.
3. Change to the setup menu and select calibration p-sensor.
4. Confirm with “Yes”.
5. Enter the atmospheric pressure calculated by an external pressure gauge and
confirm by pressing the Hei-GUIDE.
6. The vacuum control now automatically reduces the pressure in the system.
Please wait until the pressure value is stable.
7. Enter the displayed pressure calculated by an external pressure gauge and confirm
by pressing the Hei-GUIDE.
The calibration is completed.
Connecting to a PC
The vacuum box can be connected to a PC via USB.
1. Connect the vacuum box to a PC using an USB cable.
2. Configure HyperTerminal on the PC.
3. Interface settings:
‒ Bits per second: 115200
‒ Data bits: 8
‒ Parity: none
‒ Stop bits: 1
‒ Stream control: none
4. The protocol values are displayed in HyperTerminal:
‒ For example: 20;31.4;25.3;976
‒ Rotation = “20“
‒ HB-Temperature = “31.4“
‒ Ext. Sensor-Temperature = “25.3“
‒ Vacuum = “976“
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