Updating usb/dmx devices, Updaterator software – ETC UpdaterAtor v4.2.0 User Manual

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E T C Q u i c k G u i d e :

UpdaterAtor Software

UpdaterAtor Software

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Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

Updating USB/DMX Devices

To update devices without a network port, you will need to use the ETC USB-RS485 dongle, which
is available from your local ETC dealer.

When the dongle is connected to your computer via USB, an
additional button, {USB/DMX Devices} will display on the
main window display.

Click {USB/DMX Devices} to update. The USB Update wizard will open. The wizard will guide you
through the steps for updating.

Make sure the 5 pin XLR connector on the dongle is connected to the device you wish to update,
and that the device is powered on. Some products can be updated with more than one device on
the DMX line. Once the cable is connected and the device is on, click {Next}.

N o t e :

For a list of devices that require the use of the ETC USB-RS485 dongle, please


Overview on page 1
