Home screen, Layout options, Or t – ETC Eos Family v2.2.0 User Manual

Page 4: Eos family v2.2.0

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E T C S u p p l e m e n t

Eos Family v2.2.0

Eos Family Operations Manual Supplement

Page 4

Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

Home Screen

Upon start up or creation of a new show file, any connected monitor that is not already displaying
the Live or Playback Status Displays will show the Display Management Home Screen.

This screen consists of four general areas, each offering different display-related options.

Layout Options

These tools offer you greater flexibility in the number of tabs you can view in any given workspace.A
workspace can have up to four frames. Selecting a layout icon will assign the frame layout identified
in the icon. Once a layout is assigned, you can select which displays and controls will be in which

Snapshots Area

Layout Options

Display Icons

Control Icons