Working with a single cue list changes, Auto-block cleanup, Default update modes – ETC Eos Family v2.2.0 User Manual
Page 26: Eos family v2.0.1
E T C S u p p l e m e n t
Eos Family v2.0.1
Eos Family v2.0.1 Operations Manual Supplement
Page 3
Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
blind, channels that are not in the partition will display without a channel graphic, any levels will be
in gray, and a small superscript N will display with it.
Assigned partitions will display in the external links column in the cue list index.
To assign a partition to a cue list:
• [Cue] [n] [/] {Partition} [n] [Enter]
To remove a partition from a cue list:
• [Cue] [n] [/] {Partition} [Enter]
Working with a Single Cue List Changes
Changes in this section applies to the Working with a Single Cue List chapter.
Auto-block Cleanup
Cues that have auto-blocks will display a underscored b in the PSD. {Autoblock Clean} is used to
remove all auto-blocks from a single cue, cue range or entire cue list. {Autoblock Clean} is a
softkey that will be posted when a cue list and/or cue number are on the command line in the Cue
List Index, Live, and Blind. A range of cues or a cue list can be specified with this command.
For Example:
• [Cue] [1] [/] {Autoblock Clean} [Enter] - clears all auto-blocks from cue list 1. Only blocks
displayed with the white underscore are removed. If the [Block] key was previously used, this
command will not unblock it.
• [Cue][1] [/] [1][0] [Thru] [1][0][0] {Autoblock Clean} [Enter] - clears the auto-blocks just
from cues 10 through 100 of cuelist 1.
Default Update Modes
The default Update modes have changed. Eos defaults to Make Absolute for the {Update Mode},
with {Break Nested} and {Update Last Ref} enabled.
Channels that were
initially saved in the
cue list but are not in
the currently
assigned partition
Default Update Setup Options