Highlight rem dim, Select manual] / [select active, Undo] [undo] [enter – ETC Eos Family v2.2.0 User Manual
Page 25: Capture latch, Recording and playback changes, Loading a cue with temporary time, Submasters, Partitions on cue lists, Eos family v2.0.1
E T C S u p p l e m e n t
Eos Family v2.0.1
Eos Family v2.0.1 Operations Manual Supplement
Page 2
Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
[1] [Rem Dim] [/] [5][0] [Enter]
Channels 2 through 10 will be dimmed to 30.
Highlight Rem Dim
To temporarily override the {Highlight Rem Dim} option in Setup, you can use either of the
following syntax examples:
• [channel list] [Highlight] [Rem Dim] [#] [Enter]
• [channel list] [Highlight] [Rem Dim] [/] [#] [Enter]
[-] [Select Manual] / [Select Active]
[-] [Select Manual] or [-] [Select Active] can be used to modify channel selections. Using [-]
[Select Manual] will select all of the channels in the list except those that have manual data. Using
[-] [Select Active] will select all of the channels in the list except those that are active.
• [1] [Thru] [2] [0] [-] [Select Manual] [Enter] - selects channels 1 through 20 except any
channels that currently have manual data.
[1] [Thru] [2] [0] [-] [Select Active] [Enter] - selects channels 1 through 20 except any channels
that are currently active.
[Undo] [Undo] [Enter]
Pressing [Undo] [Undo] will scroll to the most recent undo-able command in the command history
display. To undo the command, press [Enter].
Capture Latch
Previously Capture Latch would be enabled for all users when it was enabled by one user. Now
Capture Latch works on a user by user basis. For more information on using Capture Latch, see the
Using [Capture] section of the Advanced Manual Control chapter.
Recording and Playback Changes
Changes in this section impact the Cue Playback, Storing and Using Submasters, or Using
Partitioned Control chapters.
Loading a Cue with Temporary Time
A cue can be loaded with a temporary time.
• [Cue] [3] [Time] [6] [Load] - loads cue 3 with the
manual time of 6.
The number of submasters has increased to 999. The number of fader pages available is still 30,
which means that there is a still a limit of 300 submasters being used with physical faders at a time.
Partitions on Cue Lists
A partition may be assigned to a cue list. If a partition has already been applied to a cue list, any
channels not in the cue list's partition will not be included in cues when they stored or replayed.
Any data for a cue list that already existed before a partition is applied, will be maintained, including
data for channels not included in the partition. If data existed before the partition was assigned, in
N o t e :
For multipart cues, the temporary time will be applied to the entire cue, not just the
part on the command line.
For cues with discrete timing, its parameters will use the temporary time instead
of the assigned discrete timing.