Park and address check, Color picker, Copying color – ETC Eos Family v2.2.0 User Manual

Page 30: Fdx dimmer feedback, Ecu settings, Fdx feedback, About system, Device list, Eos family v2.0.1

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E T C S u p p l e m e n t

Eos Family v2.0.1

Eos Family v2.0.1 Operations Manual Supplement

Page 7

Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

Park and Address Check

You can use Park and Address Check for Virtual Media Server outputs.

Color Picker

A second color picker has been added for virtual effect layers. The second color picker will be
labeled as End Color and will control RGB2.

Copying Color

You can copy or swap a color between the two color pickers using the buttons located between the
two color pickers.

FDX Dimmer Feedback

ECU Settings

Changes in this section impact the ECU appendix.

FDX Feedback

Clicking in the enable box will allow Eos to receive FDX dimmer feedback over the network.

Broadcast Type

• Directed Broadcast - Broadcast packets are directed to a subnet based on the IP address and

subnet mask of the sender.

• Limited Broadcast - The limited broadcast address is It is limited because

routers will never forward datagrams with that destination address. This means that
datagrams with the limited broadcast address are confined to the particular network segment
on which they originate.

About System

Changes in this section impact the About chapter.

Clicking on a FDX rack in the {About System} list will open the About Rack display, which shows
the following information about the rack:

• Rack number
• Rack Type
• Phase A,B,C Voltages
• Frequency
• System Number
• IP Address
• Software Version

Device List

For information about FDX Dimmer feedback, see the Device List section in the Patch chapter.

Copies Start Color to End Color

Copies End Color to Start Color

Swaps Start Color and End Color