ElmoMC SimplIQ Servo Drives Composer User Manual User Manual
Page 31

Figure 2-2: Step Response Graph - Automatic Velocity Loop Tuning
9. After the first test, check the current response at the plant input. The current is built
from two signals: one that slowly varies due to the reference command, and one that
changes quickly due to system noise. When analyzing the graph, estimate the
contribution of the system noise; if the noise saturates the plant or if the fast-varying
signal at the plant output is not acceptable, set the System Noise slider to Slow and
Quiet. However, be aware that this may decrease the system performance to some
extent. You may also wish to decrease the reaction time; in this case, set the slider
towards Fast and Noisy. When you have made your adjustments, click Run to apply
the new values, recalculate the controller parameters and produce a new step
10. You may further manipulate the data by using the following command buttons:
Export data: Saves the identification data in case of fault or if errors occur during
the auto-tuning process. This is useful when troubleshooting with Elmo support
Import data: Restores the identification data from files saved in the Export Data
process. In this case, the system will execute the final test without undergoing
the extended identification process.
Show transfer function: Displays a bode plot of the system transfer functions for
open and closed loops.
11. When you are satisfied that you have achieved optimal velocity loop tuning, you can
save your tuning results (recommended). To do so, click Export Data, enter a name
for the file, browse to the save location and click Save.
12. Click Next to continue to the next step, tuning the position or dual loop.
Composer User Manual
Using the Wizard
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)