Changing the communication parameters, 1 changing the communication parameters – ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Getting Started User Manual

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The SimplIQ for Steppers Getting Started & Tuning and Commissioning Guide

MAN-BELGS (Ver. 1.1)


Figure 5: Boot software message

Click Yes to open the windows related to downloading the firmware.

2.1.1 Changing the Communication Parameters Changing the RS-232 Communication Rate and


First set the desired parameters in the Composer smart terminal:

RS-232 baud rate.

5: 115,200;
4: 57,600
3: 38,400
2: 19,200
1: 9,600
0: 4,800


RS-232 parity.

0: None
1: Even
2: Odd

Setting PP[2] and PP[4] alone does not change the communication setting, so the
Composer can continue communication with the drive.

Write, for example, PP[2]=5. This is a requirement for a baud rate of 115200/sec.

Next write PP[2]=1. This is a command to accept the new setting. Almost
immediately, you will see:

Figure 6: Communication disconnect message

This is because you changed the baud rate so the communications from the
Composer fail. Click Yes to disconnect, than re-open communication by clicking