Direct drive – COATS IBS 2000 Wheel Balancer User Manual

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4 • COATS IBS 2000 Interactive Balancing System

Direct Drive

DWLS - Direct Weight Location System

The IBS 2000 allows the operator to use preset

weight location positions or measured location posi-
tions. The measured location positions increase accu-
racy on alloy wheels and when using hidden weights.
Select between these by using the MODE button.

When using the PRESET measurements, the opera-

tor enters the standard A, W, and D measurements.
After these measurements are entered, the computer
based upon wheel profile data stored in the computer
makes corrective weight locations. These calculations
allow the computer to display weight information for
the weight locations selected by the operator. Once
the A, W, and D measurements are entered, the oper-
ator may select any of the five weight locations and
the computer will display the calculated weight
amount to be attached at that location.

When using the MEASURED MODE in conjunction

with standard clip-on weights, for BOTH planes, the
operator measures and enters the A, W, and D in the
traditional method by touching the inner rim flange
with the A&D arm and reading the width with the
wheel calipers.

When using the MEASURED MODE in conjunction

with a single clip-on weight and a hidden tape-a-
weight™ or two hidden tape-a-weights™, the opera-
tor measures the specific weight location in which he
wishes to place a weight. The operator selects loca-
tions for the weight from plane 1, 2, or 3 by pressing
the button on the display panel adjacent to the plane
of choice. (See figure 3) The operator then uses the
A&D arm to measure the selected location at the
flange or inside the rim.

Note: Always measure from the inner most plane

first, then move outward, away from the balancer. For
example, if the operator selects plane 3 and plane 1
the operator must measure the plane 1 location first,
wait for a confirmation BEEP, and then measure plane
3 again waiting for a confirmation BEEP. These meas-
urements are displayed on the LCD screen as AIN,

When using tape-a-weights™ and measuring inside

the rim, we recommend rotating the A&D arm down
so that the tip of the A&D arm is pointing towards the
ground and measuring the lower part of the rim. In
this position, you can see where you are touching for
the measurement. By seeing the position it will be
easier when placing the tape-a-weight after the spin
cycle. Also, traditionally when placing the weight you
would rotate the wheel until the center light flashes,
you are at what we call "Top Dead Center", or at the
location you would attach the weight. There is an alter-
native, if you marked the Top Dead Center on the rim

and rotate the wheel 180 degrees until you see the
two outermost lights flash the mark is at we call
"Bottom Dead Center". When placing a tape-a-weight
at the bottom of the rim you have a better visual sight-
ing and more accurate placement.

Remember to return the A&D Arm back to it's home

position after use.

Tip! Keep the arm moving until you are ready to take

a reading, the arm will automatically take a reading if
it is not moved. Place the tip or disk at the weight loca-
tion and hold it firmly in place for two seconds and lis-
ten for a confirmation BEEP, move the arm
immediately to the next location and wait again for
two seconds and listen for another confirmation BEEP.

Note: It is good practice when dynamic balancing for

the distance (the W dimension) between the two
weight locations to be as wide apart as physically pos-
sible. This will improve the balance of the wheel and

Recommendation: Using the PRESET MODE will

provide easy balancing and yield accurate results
when used for the standard clip-on weights. However,
when using the PRESET MODE for tape-a-weights™
you will probably have to make repeated spins to bal-
ance the wheel. We encourage you to learn and
become proficient with the use of the MEASURED
MODE. This mode works equally well when measur-
ing for the standard clip-on weights and works partic-
ularly well when using a combination of only one-clip
on weight and one tape-a-weight™ or when using
tape-a-weights for both planes. Using the "MEA-
SURED" A and D weight locations, you will balance
wheels with more ease and with increased accuracy.
This will provide your best solution for single spin bal-
ancing in all modes and greater customer satisfaction.

Balancing Modes

Select between DYNAMIC and STATIC balancing

modes by pressing the button between their respec-
tive LEDs on the control panel.

The DYNAMIC balancing mode calculates separate

corrective weight requirements for the inner and outer
planes of the wheel. The default locations are planes
1 and 5. The specific weight amount and location for
each plane is calculated in a single spin.

The default STATIC balancing mode calculates a sin-

gle corrective weight requirement for placement at a
point as close to the center of the wheel as possible
(plane 3). The IBS 2000 allows the operator to select
any of the other locations for this weight placement
simply by pressing the corresponding location button
on the display screen. The operator may also opt to
split this single weight between two planes (1 and 5)