JLG X14J Operator Manual User Manual
Page 79

tabilisation will be completed when the machine is in horizontal position with tolerance
of 1° and lifted at least 5 cm from the ground. Correct stabilisation will be confirmed by
the icon in position 5 on the display.
Always check the spirit level and make sure the slope is actually less than 1°.
The manual control of the stabilisers must not be used to stabilise the machine but only to
correct its inclination in the event of stabilisation in difficult conditions. It can also be used to
lower or lift the stabilisers individually in order to increase the stability of the machine, if it is
necessary to transit areas with obstacles or steep slopes.
Pressing the button once shows the screen for the manual operation of stabiliser 1, pressing it
a second time shows the screen for stabiliser 2 and so on until stabiliser 4. Pressing it once
again shows the initial display.
In the manual menu, pressing buttons 1 and 7 raises or lowers the selected stabiliser.
To verify the inclination of the chassis a spirit level is provided on the machine; when the air
bubble it contains is completely inside the green area (see photo below) the machine is in
conditions that allow operation.
Please note that stabilize the machine on slopes greater than allowable limits (see technical
data of the machine) does not permit correct stabilization and is a serious danger for users.
On each stabiliser (see photo below), near the cylinder coupling, there is an orange light.
This light flashes to indicate that the stabiliser is resting on the ground.