JLG X14J Operator Manual User Manual
Page 133

129 Procedure for handling hot cells
As soon as it has been established that the temperature of a cell has risen considerably, the
first action is the evacuation of personnel from the affected area. The area has to be isolated
and nobody can enter if not strictly necessary.
If possible, before leaving the area, the person who first identified the problem has to check if
there is an external short‑circuit and resolve it as soon as possible. After the short‑circuit has
been resolved, the cell will start to cool down. However, the area has to remain isolated until
the cell reaches ambient temperature and is removed from the area. The temperature of the
cell has to be checked periodically using a remote sensor such as an infrared sensor. If the
cell remains hot the following actions must be assessed.
• Minimum equipment required:
Infrared temperature probe
‑ Safety glasses
‑ Hard hat with impact resistant face visor
‑ Non‑conductive pliers
‑ Hand, arm and body protection
• Procedure
‑ Evacuate the area as soon as abnormal cell temperature has been established.
‑ Periodically check the temperature of the cell using a remote sensor for the first two
hours or until one of the following cases occur:
► The cell starts to cool down
► The cell vents
► The cell explodes
‑ If the cell starts cooling, check the temperature every hour until ambient temperature
has been reached.
‑ If a temperature sensor is not available, do not handle the cell for a minimum of 24
‑ Remove the cell from the work area when ambient temperature has been reached and
return to normal operations.
‑ Dispose of the cell in accordance with existing legislation (in the country in question)
on hazardous goods.
‑ The procedures in cases of venting or explosion are examined in the following para‑