Assembly, Assembly -48 – JLG E300 Service Manual User Manual
Page 82

– JLG Lift –
5. Using a press, disassemble the pinion and gear
assembly. Support the worm gear (30) on the press
with the pinion (22) down allowing room for pinion to
be pressed out of gear. Press pinion out of bearing
(17) spacer (25) and worm gear (30) Pressing on
end of pinion. Remove face seal (24) from face of
worm gear (30). Note how the seal is assembled.
6. Remove the bearing (15) and Nilos Ring (16) from
the pinion (22) using an external bearing puller or
7. Remove the motor and motor adapter (23) and
shims (28).
8. Remove 1/2" bolts (5) from the Worm Cap (21) using
3/4" socket. Remove the shim (28) and seal (8) and
9. Remove the worm (31) from the housing (18) by
pushing it from the motor end using steel rod and a
hammer. The bearing cup (1) on the hex end of the
worm will be forced out of the housing. Once the
bearing cup (1) has come out of housing, use a soft
hammer to tap the worm on the hex end to remove
the other bearing cup (1) out the other end of hous-
10. Remove both bearings (1) from the worm (31) worm
using external bearing puller or press.
11. The bearing cup (17) can be removed from the
housing (18) by lifting it out (this is not a press fit just
a close slip fit).
12. The bearing cup (15) can be removed from the cap
(19) using a small pry bar, or by welding a small
bead of weld on the internal diameter of cup, this is
a press fit.
1. Press the bearing cup (15) into the cap (19).
2. Place the bearing cup (17) into the housing (18).
3. Put the face seal (24) onto the hub of the worm gear
(30) with the flap of the seal pointing away from gear.
4. Place the worm gear (30) onto the press with the
face seal up and press the pinion (22) into the worm
gear. Place the Nilos Ring (16) onto the pinion so the
cup shape is up and press the bearing (15) onto the
pinion tight to the Nilos Ring.
5. Turn the assembly over and place the spacer (25) on
the pinion against the gear hub so the large chamfer
on the I.D. of spacer is against the bronze gear.
Press the bearing (17) onto the pinion tight to the
spacer and gear.
6. Place the pinion/gear assembly into the housing.
Place the gear cap (19) and shims (26) over the
gear/pinion assembly to achieve a slight preload on
the pinion bearings. Remove the cap and shims and
set the shims aside. Install a new cover plate (20)
onto the cap using 6 screws (29) and shims (27)
equal to or close to equal to the total thickness of
shims set aside during Disassembly. Apply sealant
(LocTite #515) to both sides of each of these shims
and tighten the screws taking care not to twist these
screws off. Clean extra sealant from the surfaces of
the cover plate. Apply a small amount of grease to
this flap. Set this assembly to the side.
7. Install the bearing (1) on the bore end of the worm
(31) only. This is almost a slip fit, may have to be
lightly tapped with soft hammer.
8. Install the worm (31) into the housing (18), hex end
9. On the bore end of the worm, install the bearing cup
(1) into the worm bore of the housing. Also on the
bore end of worm (31), install the motor adapter (23)
and 1 shim (28 yellow) to the housing using 1/2-13 x
1" bolts (4) and sealant. Torque to 75 ft.lbs. (101.5
Nm). These bolts will be replaced with motor bolts
when the motor is mounted.
10. Install the bearing cone (1) on the hex end of the
worm (31). Place a bearing cup (1) over the bearing
and lightly tap the cup into the bore using a soft