Responsibilities of parties iv, Options iv, Additional information iv – Snorkel MHP17 User Manual
Page 6: Danger, Introduction
■ Responsibilities of Parties
It is im per a tive that all own ers and us ers of the
Snorkelift read, un der stand, and con form to all ap -
pli ca ble reg u la tions. Ul ti mate com pli ance to OSHA
reg u la tions is the re spon si bil ity of the em ployer us -
ing the equip ment.
ANSI Stan dard A92.2-1992 clearly iden ti fies
ments of all par
ties who might be
in volved with Boom-Sup ported El e vating
Work Plat forms.
Also iden
fies the re
ments of all
p a r ti e s w h o m i g h t b e i n v o l v e d w i t h
Boom-Sup ported El e vating Work Plat forms.
A re
print of the “Man
ual of Re
ities for
Dealers, Owners, Users, Op er a tors, Les sors and
sees of ANSI/SIA A92.5-1992 Boom Sup
ported El e vating Work Plat forms” is avail able from
Snor kel deal ers or from the fac tory upon re quest.
Copies are also avail able from the Scaf fold In dus -
try As so ci a tion, Inc., 14039 Sherman Way, Van
Nuys, CA 91405-2599.
■ Options
The use of op tional equip ment is dis cussed in the
“Op tions” chap ter 11.
The op tions you will find dis cussed there are:
1. Air line to platform.
2. Dual fuel.
3. Work lights.
4. Sandblast protection kit.
5. RCD/ELCB AC outlet.
6. Flashing light.
7. Platform rotator.
page - iv
MHP16/47 – 11544A
■ Additional Information
For ad di tional in for ma tion, con tact your lo cal
Snor kel
2/26 Red fern Street
Wether ill Park NSW 2164
Aus tra lia
Snor kel
PO Box 1041
Levin 5500
New Zea land