Bolts and fasteners 7-4, Wheels and tyres 7-4, Structural damage and welds 7-4 – Snorkel MHP17 User Manual
Page 40: Bolts and fasteners, 7-4, Structural damage and welds, 7-4, Boom welds, 7-4, Wheels and tyres, 7-4, Daily inspection and maintenance
■ Bolts and fasteners
Vi sually in spect all fas ten ers to see that none is
miss ing or ob vi ously loose.
Figure 7.11 - Lock Tab Washers
Crit i cal pin re tainer bolts have lock tab wash ers fit -
ted, they should all be pres ent and not dam aged in
any way.
Figure 7.12 - Wheel Nuts
Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to all of the wheel nuts and
bolts. None should be vis i bly loose, miss ing, or de -
■ Wheels and tyres
The MHP16/47 relies on it’s tyres for towing
Figure 7.13 - Check For Tyre Damage
Check each wheel for ob vi ous dam age that could
cause a blow out.
Figure 7.14 - Tyre Pressure
En sure tyre pres sures are main tained ac cord ing to
the de cal at tached to the mud guard (fender).
■ Structural damage and welds
Vi sually in spect all welds for cracks, all struc tural
mem bers for de for mity.
Figure 7.15 - Chassis Welds
Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to the chas sis welds
Figure 7.16 - Boom Welds
Closely in spect boom welds all the way around, for
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MHP16/47 – 11544A
7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance