Operator maintenance precautions 1-3, Fuel handling precautions 1-3, Safety decals and placards 1-3 – Snorkel MHP17 User Manual
Page 11: Safety decals and placards, 1-3, Fuel handling precautions, 1-3, Operator maintenance precautions, 1-3, Safety decals and placards -3, Caution

Operator Maintenance Precautions
DO NOT use your hand to search for
hydraulic oil leaks. High pressure hydraulic
oil can easily cut and penetrate your skin — a
very serious injury that requires immediate
attention by a medical specialist trained in
that type of injury. Use a piece of cardboard
or wood to search for hydraulic oil leaks.
DO NOT attempt repairs unless you are
trained. Refer to manuals and experienced
repair personnel for help.
Fuel Handling Precautions
DO NOT smoke or per mit open flames while fuel ing
or near fuel ing op er a tions.
Never re move the fuel cap or re fuel a gas o line en -
gine while the en gine is run ning or hot. Never al low
fuel to spill on hot ma chine com po nents.
Main tain con trol of the fuel filler noz zle when fill ing
the tank.
DO NOT fill the fuel tank to ca pac ity. Al low room for
ex pan sion.
Clean up spilled fuel im me di ately.
Tighten the fuel tank cap se curely. If the fuel cap is
lost, re place it with an ap proved cap from Snor kel.
Use of a non-approved cap with out proper vent ing
may re sult in pres sur iza tion of the tank.
Never use fuel for clean ing pur poses.
For die sel en gines, use the cor rect fuel grade for
the op er at ing sea son.
■ Safety Decals and Placards
There are sev eral safety de cals and plac ards on
the MHP16/47. Their lo ca tions and de scrip tions
are shown in this sec tion. Take time to study them.
Be sure that all the safety decals and
placards on the MHP16/47 are legible. Clean
or replace them if you cannot read the words
or see the pictures. Clean with soap & water
and a soft cloth. Do not use solvents.
You MUST replace a decal or placard if it is
damaged, missing, or cannot be read. If it is
on a part that is replaced, make sure a new
decal or placard is installed on the replaced
part. See your Snorkel dealer for new decals
and placards.
Refer to Placards and Decals Inspection Chart
and Drawing in the “Daily Inspection and
Maintenance” chapter 7, for part numbers,
location, and required quantities of all placards
and decals.
MHP16/47 – 11544A
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1. Safety