Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 90

Chapter 8
Tutorial 6: Arranging and Editing Your Music
To enhance the timing of a Software Instrument track:
Double-click the header of the Software Instrument track to open it in the editor.
To enhance regions, select the regions in the track you want to enhance. To enhance
individual notes, select them in the editor.
From the Enhance Timing pop-up menu, choose the note value you want to use to
enhance the timing of the selected items.
If you want timing enhancement to be less than full strength, drag the Enhance Timing
slider to the left to set the amount of enhancement. If you don’t like the results after
you enhance the timing, drag the Enhance Timing slider to “off” to return the selected
items to their original timing.
Enhancing the Tuning of a Real Instrument Track
You can enhance the tuning of regions in a Real Instrument track. This is especially
useful when you record Real Instrument regions that have the right “feel” and timing
but that are not perfectly in tune.
When you enhance a track's tuning, all regions on the selected track (both your own
recordings and loops) are enhanced. Enhancing the tuning can produce accurate
results only on single-note (monophonic) Real Instrument regions, so be sure the track
does not include regions with chords or unpitched sounds.
By default, the Enhance Tuning slider enhances the tuning of notes by moving them
to the closest note on the chromatic (12-note) scale. You can limit the enhancement to
the notes of the project’s key (as chosen in the Track Info pane for the master track)
by selecting the “Limit to key” checkbox.
To enhance the tuning of a Real Instrument track:
In the timeline, double-click the Real Instrument track you want to enhance to open it
in the editor.
Drag the Enhance Tuning slider to the right to increase the amount of tuning
enhancement, or drag it left to decrease the amount of enhancement.
To limit tuning enhancement to the chromatic scale, rather than the project’s key,
deselect the “Limit to key” checkbox below the slider.
You hear the results immediately as the project plays.
Setting the Enhance Tuning slider to higher values can sometimes lead to undesirable
results. Listen carefully to the results of using the slider, and set it to the value that
sounds best.