Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 77

Chapter 7
Tutorial 5: Adding Apple Loops
To display only loops of a particular scale type:
Choose the scale type from the Scale pop-up menu.
Try refining the bass loops you found earlier to show only those using the major scale.
Limiting Searches to Nearby Keys
Loops with melody and harmony instruments are recorded in a specific musical key.
When you add a loop to a project, GarageBand matches the loop’s key with the key of
the project. The closer the loop’s original key is to the key of the project, the more
natural the loop sounds when transposed to the project key. When a loop is transposed
by a large number of semitones, the result can sometimes sound unnatural or
To view loops only in keys near the project key:
Choose GarageBand > Preferences, then click Loops.
In the Loops pane, click the “Filter for more relevant results” checkbox.
Note: The “Filter for more relevant results” checkbox is selected by default. To see loops
in keys farther away from the project’s key, deselect the checkbox.
You can use several methods together to find specific loops. For instance, you can use
keywords with the Scale pop-up menu, or with the search field, to find only bass loops
using the major scale, or to find only percussion loops with “latin” in the file name.
Marking Loops as Favorites
You can mark loops you want to use frequently as favorites, and quickly access your
favorites in the loop browser.
To mark a loop as a favorite:
In the results list, click the checkbox for the loop in the Fav (short for Favorites) column.
You may need to scroll the results list to see the Fav column.
To view your favorites:
In either button view or column view, click Favorites.
Your favorites appear in the results list.