Editing your recordings in the editor – Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 87

Chapter 8
Tutorial 6: Arranging and Editing Your Music
If you move or copy an arrange region so that the region moves past the end-of-
project marker in the beat ruler, the marker moves to accommodate the region.
To split an arrange region:
Move the playhead to the point where you want to split the arrange region.
Choose Edit > Split (or press Command-T).
To join arrange regions:
Make sure the arrange regions are adjacent.
Choose Edit > Join (or press Command-J).
You can exchange two arrange regions, which exchanges all their material in the
timeline. You can also replace all or part of one arrange region with another one.
To exchange two arrange regions:
Drag one of the arrange regions over the other in the arrange track.
To replace one arrange region with another:
Hold down the Command key as you drag one arrange region over the other.
When you replace one arrange region with another in this way, the part of the region
from the left edge of the region you drag is replaced.
Editing Your Recordings in the Editor
In addition to working with regions in the timeline, you can edit regions in the editor.
The editor is like a microscope that gives you a close-up view of each region. You can
rename and transpose regions, enhance the timing of regions, enhance the tuning of
Real Instrument regions, and set whether Real Instrument regions keep their original
tempo or follow the project tempo. To make advanced edits like these, you must first
show the editor below the timeline.
To show the editor:
Click the Editor button (with scissors cutting a soundwave).