Before you begin, What you need to get started, Where to go for help – Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
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Chapter 1
Welcome to GarageBand
Before You Begin
To make it easier to follow the tutorials as you work, print each tutorial before you start.
In many of the tasks shown in this document you need to choose menu commands. In
the tutorials, and in GarageBand Help, menu commands appear like this:
Choose Edit > Join Selected.
The first term after Choose is the name of the menu in the GarageBand menu bar.
The word or phrase following the angle bracket is the command you choose from
that menu.
What You Need to Get Started
All you need to create music with GarageBand is a Mac that meets the system
requirements, as listed in the Read Me file. Optionally, you can use any of the following
equipment to expand your music-making possibilities:
 A microphone to record your voice, an acoustic musical instrument, or other sounds
 An electric musical instrument, such as an electric guitar or bass
 A Universal Serial Bus (USB) or other MIDI-compatible music keyboard to play and
record Software Instruments
 An audio interface to connect microphones and instruments to your computer
 A pair of speakers or monitors to hear the music you create with greater audio
Where to Go for Help
You can access these resources for help as you complete the tutorial:
 Onscreen help: GarageBand comes with a built-in help system. With a GarageBand
project open, choose Help > GarageBand Help. When the help page opens, type a
word or phrase into the search field at the top of the page, or click one of the topic
areas to get detailed instructions for completing specific tasks.
 Video tutorials: A set of online video tutorials is available, demonstrating major
features and tasks you can accomplish with GarageBand. To view the video tutorials,
choose Video Tutorials from the GarageBand Help menu, or go to the tutorial website
 Help tags: Help tags describe the functions of buttons, tools, and other onscreen
items. To see a help tag, hold the pointer over an item for a few seconds.