Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 33

Chapter 3
Tutorial 1: Creating and Playing GarageBand Projects
Changing the Project Tempo, Key, and Time Signature
Each GarageBand project includes settings for tempo, key, and time signature. When
you add loops or create recordings in a music project, GarageBand matches them to
the project tempo and key so that they sound good together. You can choose the
project tempo, key, and time signature in the Save As dialog when you create a new
project, or in the LCD while you’re working on the project.
Changing the Tempo
Each project has a speed, or tempo. The tempo defines the rate at which beats, the
basic rhythmic pulse, occur in the project. The tempo is measured in beats per minute,
or bpm. You can set the tempo to any speed between 60 and 240 bpm. The default
tempo is 120 bpm, which is a common tempo used in popular music.
To change the tempo in the LCD:
Click the icon on the left side of the LCD and choose Project.
Click the number below the word Tempo.
Drag the slider up or down to a new tempo.
Setting the Key
Each project has a key, which defines the central note to which the other notes in the
music relate. The key can be any key between A and G-sharp (G#). Along with the key,
you can choose to use either the major or minor scale. In the LCD, major keys are
shown as “maj” and minor keys are shown as “min.”
To change the key in the LCD:
Click the icon on the left side of the LCD and choose Project.
Click the key, shown below the word Key.
Choose a new key from the Key pop-up menu.
Optionally, choose a different scale from the bottom of the Key pop-up menu.