Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual

Page 69

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Chapter 6

Tutorial 4: Playing and Recording Software Instruments


The pedal down symbol appears at the current position of the pointer. If you release
the mouse button, the pedal up symbol is placed shortly after the pedal down symbol.


Without releasing the mouse button, drag to the point where you want to place the
pedal up marker.


Release the mouse button.

The pedal up symbol appears at the current position of the pointer.

To move the pedal up symbol:


Click the pedal symbol to select it.

The pedal down and pedal up symbols become green, indicating that they’re selected.


Drag the pedal up symbol to its new position, then release the mouse button.

Changing the Clef Sign

By default, when you view a Software Instrument track as music notation, it shows the
treble and bass clefs in “piano style.” This format is useful for pianos, synthesizers, and
other instruments with a wide range of notes. However, some instruments, particularly
solo (single-note) instruments such as strings and winds, can use only a single clef, the
treble or bass clef.

You can change the score view display to show only a single treble or bass clef, and
later change it back to the “piano style” two-clef display.

To change the clef sign in score view:


Click the clef (or between the clefs) in the header of the score display.

A menu appears showing the different clefs.


Choose a new clef from the menu.

Click here to choose
a different clef.