Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual

Page 46

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Chapter 4

Tutorial 2: Learning to Play Guitar and Piano

The mixer appears as an overlay over the lesson window. The mixer includes a set of
controls for each track, including a Mute button, Solo button, and Volume slider.

To change the mix, do any of the following:
 To silence a track, click its Mute button (with a speaker icon) in the mixer.
 To hear a track by itself, click its Solo button (with the headphone icon) in the mixer.
 To adjust a track’s volume, drag its volume slider right or left.

If a lesson includes a backing band, the mixer shows a track titled “The Band,” which
includes a disclosure triangle. Clicking the disclosure triangle shows the mixing controls
for each instrument of the band. You can use the mixing controls for the band to mix
the individual instruments in the same way that you mix the tracks in the lesson. You
can return the band to its original mix by clicking the Reset button.

When you’re finished, you close the mixer to return to the lesson.

To close the mixer:
Click Mixer in the upper-right part of the window, or click any part of the lesson
window outside the mixer.

Click the disclosure triangle
to show the mixing controls
for the band.

Click to reset the mixing
controls for the band.

Use the mixing controls
for each instrument.