Playing a project, Using the transport controls – Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual

Page 31

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Chapter 3

Tutorial 1: Creating and Playing GarageBand Projects


 By adding and arranging Apple Loops in the timeline
 By creating a Magic GarageBand project
 By viewing and playing along with a Learn to Play lesson

Playing a Project

After you’ve added some recordings, loops, or audio files to your project, you’ll want to
play the project to hear how it sounds. You play projects using either the Space bar on
your computer keyboard or the transport controls, which are located in the control bar
below the timeline.

To start or stop playback:
Press the Space bar, or press the Play button in the center of the transport controls.

Using the Transport Controls

Using the transport controls, you can control playback and move the playhead to
different parts of the project. They also include controls for recording and for turning
on the cycle region.

The transport controls are similar to the playback controls used on hardware music
players. They include, from left to right:

 Record: Starts recording on tracks that are enabled for recording
 Go to beginning: Moves the playhead to the beginning of the project
 Back (Rewind): Moves the playhead back one measure
 Play/Pause: Starts the project playing, or stops playback
 Forward: Moves the playhead forward one measure
 Cycle: Turns the cycle region on or off

Play button

Cycle button

Record button